You're here because you know possibilities await you.
Using my 5 Core Beliefs Signature Framework, I craft a personalized coaching program designed to meet your unique needs and desires.
My focus is on cultivating success the feminine way, across all areas of your life. I draw from my extensive experience coaching hundreds of women worldwide, blending proven techniques with intuitive guidance.
Are you ready to explore your path to more? Let’s begin your transformative journey together.
Revitalize your life with our powerful 7-day virtual retreat. In 30-minutes a day, you’ll cultivate self-trust, rejuvenate your life, and embrace your next level of success and fulfillment.
Whether you’re feeling a deep yearning for something more or you’re ready to elevate an already amazing life to new heights, this retreat offers an experiential jumpstart in community with other amazing women.
An in-person weekend retreat for women ready to uncover or enhance their life’s purpose. Transform your life now, without waiting for a crisis to spark change.
When you’re ready to make a leap in your life, this retreat is your opportunity to embark on a unique journey into the highest version of yourself and work directly with me in person.
Learn More About BTECustomized support & guidance to create your personal success path – the feminine way – using my mastery in coaching and my 5 Core Beliefs framework.
This option to work with me is only available after a retreat experience together.
The private consulting investment starts at $250,000 for a 12-month contract.
When you’re ready to walk your journey with an experienced guide who shows you what it looks like to live your life with even more joy and purpose…
Let’s talk about how and if I can support you on the next steps of your journey.
Let’s explore together“Working with Sloane helped create a seismic shift in my perception of myself and what's possible for my business and life. For one, I have a loving relationship with myself, which is very different than this time last year. And it's spilled over to my business - not only am I going after bigger clients and putting myself out there even more, but I've doubled my revenue. It's insane. I'm also listening to my inner guidance, and at this point, the sky's the limit.”
““Before working with Sloane, I was always in go mode.I always had too much to do and never enough time to do it. I’ve slowed down, I’m more present and focused – and my business has more than tripled in the last year. What’s more, I’m taking care of myself and enjoying the journey now. I’ve become so much more confident and fulfilled by what I do. On a personal side, my marriage is better than it’s ever been. We’re excited about the future we’re building together on a whole new level.””
“If you’re even questioning the power of Sloane’s ask, say yes. You will walk away from anything she hosts with a newfound love for yourself and those you serve. When Sloane approached me with the prospect of coaching, I was really unsure. Few people can scare an Approachable Badass and she's one of those people. Not because she's scary, but because going "there" felt intense - and it was - yet I also knew there was so much more possible for me in life and business. I'm the most fulfilled I've ever been in my life and work. We all need someone a few steps ahead of us to remind us who we can become & Sloane has been that human for me.”
Discover a simple, flexible ritual that fills your cup—regardless of what life brings your way.